Wednesday 1 January 2014

Reading Resolutions 2014

Happy New Year!

It is now 2014, a new year, and for many people, me included, this signifies a new start. This apparent new start is often encouraged by the creating of new years resolutions. I have made a couple of the 'normal' resolutions but I also thought it might be fun, and a good way to expand my reading, to create a list of Reading Resolutions that I would like to share with you ...

Read some different genres and grade of books - I read a lot of YA and contemporary books, and I think it would be nice this year, and in the future, to read some different types of books including some more of the classics. In the past I have read Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen as well as a few others and I didn't really get on with them at all. As a result, I have started looking at the modern classics a bit more and have just started reading Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote. I would also love to read books like to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Catcher in the Rye by Salinger. 
These are just examples of books that I would like to branch out to and read, I also want to try Dystopian. 

If you have any suggestions of books that you have read, let me know it could become my new favourite. :)

Write and publish a new blog post at least once a week - I love writing these posts, however because I had not given myself any deadlines my reading and therefore my posting has become extremely sporadic and this annoys me ... and I'm sure it must frustrate some of you to. I am not going to beat myself up if I don't happen to finish a book and write a post within the week occasionally, however, if it becomes a regular thing I will give myself a stern talking to ...

Finally read The Hunger Games series - Please don't hate me ... I know they are supposed to be one of the major book series of the past few years, and that they were released in 2010 but I just haven't quite got around to reading them yet. I did start reading The Hunger Games in 2012 and, despite the fact that I only got about a chapter and a half in I did really enjoy it and I also was really intrigued by the societal message that it portrayed and although I love a book that either directly or indirectly makes a comment on society, for me at the time I was reading it, this was its downfall .... At the time I was studying Marxism in my A-Level Sociology class (I LOVE Sociology ... ) and those chapters that I was reading seemed to relate a lot; Marxism uses the term capital to describe the resources for subordination that the ruling classes used, the setting in the book is called Capitol - this just set my mind racing and I became so mixed up in the message, and relating it to my class (as well as the recession) that I became distracted from the actual story line and the book had to be returned to my friend. This time I WILL finish it! (I have finished A-Levels so hopefully that will hope as well (: )

So there are my reading resolutions for 2014, lets see if I can stick to them ....
If you have any resolutions, I wish you all the best with them, lets share them and work on them together. 

Keep reading!

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